• Is Hageman Homes LLC licensed?

    Hageman Homes LLC is legally licensed and insured through the State of Minnesota.

  • Do you require a downpayment before starting a project?

    A 25-50% downpayment (depending on project size) is required 2 weeks before breaking ground. This ensures timely resource allocation, minimizes potential delays, and allows us to address any pre-construction considerations. Your commitment through the downpayment is crucial for a smooth and efficient construction process.

  • What is the best way to get an estimate?

    The best way to get an estimate is to get ahold of the business owner Jacob Hageman, through email or phone. This can be done through the Contact Us Form near the bottom of the page, as well as our Contact Us Tab at the top of this page.

  • Why do I need to sign a construction contract?

    Signing a construction contract is crucial for clarity on project scope, timeline, and costs. It protects both parties by establishing clear expectations and a legal framework for addressing potential issues.

  • Is it necessary for Hageman Homes LLC to be on site to give an estimate?

    No, it is not necessary for Hageman Homes LLC to be on-site to provide an estimate. We can accurately assess and provide estimates based on photos, measurements, and discussions over the phone. This approach allows for convenience and efficiency in the estimation process without the need for an on-site visit.

  • What is Hageman Homes LLC's building schedule?

    The Hageman brothers are both full time educators, so our typical building season is between May 20th-September 30th.